MATLAB lessons N.2

All MATLAB file for the lesson in a unique archive

Exercise on MATLAB ode solver

Example of ODE solver of MATLAB

File ode1.m

output of the command:


Changing tolerance parameters:

File test2.m

this is the output of the command


File test3.m

this is the output of the command


and this


Numerical ODE solver with constants step size

This routine are taken from mathworks

First order explicit Euler:

File ode1.m

Second order explicit Runge Kutta:

File ode2.m

3rd order explicit Runge Kutta:

File ode3.m

4th order explicit Runge Kutta:

File ode4.m

5th order explicit Runge Kutta:

File ode5.m

Checking the order

Graphical plot of the order:

File ode_test.m

Numerical estimation of the order:

File ode_check_error.m

output of command ode_test
